Our impression of the world is influenced by the images we see in the news media. However, the news cover the exceptional, the abnormal. We get less information about the everyday life of ordinary people. This - the everyday life, how people relate to each other - is the research subject of anthropology. Anthropological film as a genre is based first and foremost on the Continue Reading
NAFA CONFERENCE 2016 Ethical challenges of using photos and videos on the internet September 21-22, 2016 Tivoli, Det Akademiske Kvarter, Universitetet i Bergen The use of photos and videos is a matter that one must always consider very carefully. Anonymity for participants in a research project is a requirement in most cases. The ethical responsibilities […]Continue Reading
The 34th NAFA Film Festival and Symposium/workshop Iceland, June 4-8, 2014 Deadline is 6 April. Online entry form can be found on nativemind.org. We welcome you to the 34th NAFA Film Festival 2014, with the symposium / workshop “Sharing a Common Story”. This year’s film festival will take place in Ísafjördur (Iceland) and will be […]Continue Reading