L’Homme, vol. 198-199, 2011 De l’anthropologie visuelle Jean-Paul Colleyn Présentation Manthia Diawara Le cinéma populaire et le nouvel imaginaire social Jean-Paul Colleyn Corps, décor et envers du décor dans les vidéos populaires africaines Élodie Perreau Telenovelas et débats sociaux. La fiction comme espace public de discussion au Brésil Sylvain Maresca Continue Reading
Visual Anthropology vol. 28, n. 4, 2015 SUMMARY Geoffrey Gowlland Imaging/Imagining Craftwork Alanna Cant One Image, Two Stories: Ethnographic and Touristic Photography and the Practice of Craft in Mexico Geoffrey Gowlland Unpacking Craft Skills: What Can Images Reveal about the Embodied Experience of Craft? Soumhya Venkatesan After the Event: Video and Its Potential for Continue Reading
The new issue of VISUAL ETHNOGRAPHY is online at www.vejournal.org The journal is available also in printed version. Table of Contents ARTICLES Kathrin Oester, Bernadette Brunner Jean Rouch Back in School: Teaching and research as a parallel process through media projects with adolescents in Switzerland Diana M. Ruggiero Más allá del fútbol: Validating Afro-Latino Culture Continue Reading
Paul Hockings
Introduction: Style among Visual Anthropologists
Drid Williams
Style in the DAnce and Human Movement Studies
Frank Vigneron
Period Style as "Life Cycle" in Euro-American and Chinese Painting
Silvio Carta
Documentary Film, Observational Style and Postmodern Anthropology Continue Reading
Keyan G. Tomaselli
Virtual Religion, the Fantastic, and Electronic Ontology
Yancey Orr
Animal Magnetism: Perceiving Environmental Objects as Social Subjects among Balinese Looking at Roosters
Andrew Dicks
Stories from Below: Subject-generated Comics
Kathleen Harrington-Watt
The Continue Reading
Journal of Video Ethnography Call for Reviewers The newly launched Journal of Video Ethnography (JVE) is a venture of DePaul University’s Social Science Research Center. JVE is the first ever peer-reviewed journal of ethnographic films and videos. The aim of this journal is to advance the social scientific use of video/film as a method for […]Continue Reading