The Society for Visual Anthropology invites applications for the co-editorship of its journal, Visual Anthropology Review (VAR). One of the current co-editors will finish his service to VAR in May 2016, and SVA seeks an individual to transition into the position of a new co-editor during the Spring 2016 semester. The typical period for a co-editorship is three years.
If you are interested in applying for the position, please email a letter of intent and a CV to the current co-editors: Jenny Chio (
About the Position
VAR is a biannual academic, peer-reviewed journal that publishes 12-15 articles per year. The co-editors are assisted by the journal’s film review editor and two book review editors, who manage the publication of 15-20 book and film reviews per year.
Qualifications of the Co-Editor:
· A PhD in Anthropology and a background of teaching, research and publishing in fields related to visual anthropology.
· Proven organizational and editorial skills.
· Interest in online multi-media publishing.
Responsibilities of the Co-Editor:
· Edit the journal under the protocols established by Wiley-Blackwell and the American Anthropological Association.
· Work with Wiley-Blackwell to maintain the established workflow, to meet the deadlines and requirements for two issues per year.
· Solicit articles and suggest ideas for special issues or articles.
· Receive articles and manage them through the review process. This involves maintaining records on each submitted article; engaging two reviewers for a “double-blind” peer review for each article; reading the submitted articles and the peer reviews and contacting the authors as to the final decision.
· Work with website managers from SVA and Wiley-Blackwell to contribute, update, and maintain content online, including video and other multi-media content.
· Supervise and recruit, as needed, the VAR editorial assistant.
· Attend publishing, editorial, and SVA Board meetings during the annual AA conference over the duration of the co-editorship.
About the Journal
Visual Anthropology Review is published by the American Anthropological Association and promotes the discussion of visual studies, broadly conceived.
From independent cinema to indigenous media, ethnographic portraiture to Hollywood headshots, street style to narcocultura, VAR has already become the go-to journal for cutting-edge anthropological work on visual media, and we are very optimistic about the future of the journal as we expand into new modes and domains. VAR is currently in the process of re-imagining and re-creating its publishing model to better reflect and support the visual, multi-media, and experimental work being produced by visual anthropologists today. VAR aims to be a leader in scholarly promotion and critique of experimental ethnographic work by developing multi-media platform for more dynamic content.
We welcome articles, photo-essays, reviews, and commentary on the use of multimedia, still photography, film, video, and non-camera-generated images. We have also begun a new series of online “Supplements” for individual articles and issues, providing teaching-related content and additional online materials related to recently published pieces.
The journal has produced special issues on topics such as “Ethnographic Filmmaking in China,” “Engaging Visual Anthropology in the Entangled Lives of Species,” “Visual Representations of Aboriginal Australia,” “HIV/AIDS Education and Southern Africa,” and “Visual Latin America.”
VAR has an international readership and publishes work by scholars and artists throughout the world. The journal’s reputation is bolstered by its Editorial Board that includes more than twenty internationally distinguished academics and practitioners, including Peter Biella, Amahl Bishara, John Bishop, Tom Blakely, Liam Buckley, Jennifer Deger, Elizabeth Edwards, Tejaswini Ganti, Faye Ginsburg, Anna Grimshaw, Tim Ingold, John L. Jackson Jr., Dorinne Kondo, Laura Lewis, Brent Luvaas, David MacDougall, Jonathan Marion, Leighton Peterson, Christopher Pinney, Arnd Schneider, Karen Strassler, and Christopher Wright.
If you have an interest in pushing cutting-edge visual scholarship, exploring online and open-access publishing models, and adding your critical expertise to the development of VAR over the next few years, then please consider submitting your application.
Contact Details:
Jenny Chio
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Emory University
Atlanta GA 30322
Mark R. Westmoreland
Associate Professor of Visual Anthropology
Leiden University
2300 RB Leiden
The Netherlands