Urban Documentary Filmmaking for Photographers
Masterclass with Lasse Johansson
Goldsmiths, University of London
3-14 August 2015
About the Course
The two-week summer course in digital filmmaking is a conversion course for still photographers wanting to explore how to use their DSLR cameras for the purpose of working with moving images.
As photographers, you will be expected to know how to expose correctly, compose and focus a frame and be familiar with image-making within the urban landscape. In this intensive two-week programme we will explore some of the core skills needed in order to successfully migrate from still to moving image.
The programme aims to help you develop the basic tools to become visual storytellers working with the moving image. Thus the main focus throughout the course will be on developing urban narratives, i.e. how to translate your ideas into a story using film techniques.
About Lasse Johansson
Lasse is a self-filming documentary director/producer and trainer/educator with a background in fine art and sociology. Aside from making his own independent films, his commissioned work has been wide ranging. He has made films for charities, educational organisations and visual artists. He also works internationally as a media trainer on projects aiming to build the filmmaking skills of individuals and media organisations.
Lasse is the course tutor on the MA programme in Ethnographic Documentary Filmmaking by Practice at UCL.
Application Deadline: July 15th
Fee: £1200 (full fee) £950 (students)
Places available: Maximum of 14
Venue: Goldsmiths, University of London
Contact: Beatriz Véliz Argueta at b.v.argueta@gold.ac.uk