Global Traces: Art Practice, Ethnography, Contested Heritage
Call for Papers
University of Oslo 7-8 February, 2019
Organizer: Arnd Schneider, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo
Keynote: Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll, Chair of Global Art History, University of Birmingham
This conference aims to present innovative and creative ethnographic perspectives on the intersection between art, anthropology and contested cultural heritage. One part of the conference will showcase ethnographic work with TRACES: Transmitting Contentious Cultural Heritages with the Arts: From Intervention to Co-Production” (EU Horizon 2020 programme, 2016 – 2019,
We are looking for contributions that will provide global and post/de-colonial counterpoints to the ‘European’ settings of TRACES and investigate ethnographically and artistically contested cultural heritage (e.g. in museums and heritage institutions, private collections, archives etc.). The purpose of the conference is to open for a critical dialogue with TRACES. Thus, as in our work with TRACES, we are particularly interested in presentations that focus on notions of serendipity, artistic process/production, and relationality in their research with global contested heritage.
Please send your abstract (250 words) to Magnus Godvik Ekeland by 19 February 2018.
Enquiries to: Arnd Schneider