14th EASA Biennial Conference – Films and other audiovisual contributions

14th EASA Biennial Conference
Anthropological legacies and human futures
Department of Human Science for Education ‘Riccardo Massa’ and Department of Sociology and Social Research at University of Milano-Bicocca
20-23 July, 2016


Convenors/curators: Paolo S. H. Favero (University of Antwerp); Ivan Bargna (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca)

A core challenge for contemporary anthropology is learning to project itself, its past and legacies, towards future scenarios. Yet, how can we envision the future? How can we envision what cannot yet be heard, seen or felt? How do societies and cultures engage with this unpredictable notion?

We believe that audio-visual media play a central role in this quest. Media is a terrain of experimentation with novel ways for exploring the social and material world, for teaching and for communicating our research results with the scientific community and the outer world. Media inscribe the future in our ongoing dialogues between the present and our disciplinary past.

The audio-visual programme will offer a window onto the variety of possibilities for conducting, teaching and communicating anthropological research that characterize contemporary and possible future scenarios. Acknowledging the extent to which anthropological audio-visual practices today are largely entangled with the technologies, practices and modalities of communication that can be found in other fields we have opened up the program to a broad range of formats.

We therefore have included: ethnographic documentary film (short and long formats), ethnographic fiction films and ethnographic short films, installations, photo essays, soundscapes, interactive documentaries, non-linear productions, videogames, embodied technologies, visual performances, etc.

“Relatogramas” (ethnographic drawings) by Carla Boserman (University of Barcelona Design Center)
There will be a live intervention by Carla during the Early Career Scholars Forum (Plenary C). She will make her relatogramas live during the speeches. She will then present them in more depth in Presentation session 8 (see below).

See the complete program here

See all the panels

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