The latest issue of the journal Visual Ethnography is published at Subscribe the journal at only 15 € (individual) or 150 € (institutional). Require the subscription to your institutional library and will receive a book as a gift. More info here. Call for articles always open. Tweet #visualanthropologyContinue Reading
"Visioni intenzionali" è una proposta d'interpretazione degli approcci visivi alla conoscenza nel lavoro etnografico, basata su alcune esperienze di ricerca ripensate, riconsiderate e presentate all'interno del dibattito attuale sulla visual anthropology, in cui il vedere gli altri e vedere come vedono gli altri diventano lo scopo plausibile della ricerca etnografica solo Continue Reading
La ricerca visuale produce dati originali, altrimenti non ottenibili, e oggi è sempre più diffusa per rispondere a domande di ricerca rilevanti da un punto di vista sia conoscitivo che pragmatico. Questo libro mostra come l’utilizzo dei metodi visuali sia ormai indispensabile per indagare le trasformazioni socio-culturali in atto a livello globale, per esplorare fenomeni Continue Reading
Monica Janowski and Tim Ingold (eds) Imagining Landscapes. Past, Present and Future Ashgate, 2013 The landscapes of human habitation are not just perceived; they are also imagined. What part, then, does imagining landscapes play in their perception? The contributors to this volume, drawn from a range of disciplines, argue that landscapes are ‘imagined’ in a Continue Reading
Haralambidou, Penelope Marcel Duchamp and the Architecture of Desire 2013, Ashgate While much has been written on Marcel Duchamp – one of the twentieth century’s most beguiling artists – the subject of his flirtation with architecture seems to have been largely overlooked. Yet, in the carefully arranged plans and sections organising the blueprint of Continue Reading
Cruz, Marcos The Inhabitable Flesh of Architecture 2013, Ashgate Today’s architecture has failed the body with its long heritage of purity of form and aesthetic of cleanliness. A resurgence of interest in flesh, especially in art, has led to a politics of abjection, completely changing traditional aesthetics, and is now giving light to an alternative […]Continue Reading
Buchli, Victor An Anthropology of Architecture 2013, Bloomsbury Abstract  Ever since anthropology has existed as a discipline, anthropologists have thought about architectural forms. This book provides the first overview of how anthropologists have studied architecture and the extraordinarily rich thought and data this has produced. With a focus on domestic space – Continue Reading